Sunday, January 13, 2013

The portrair

The morning portrait of a girl eating her cereal.

The rest of the day were spent putting away the Christmas decorations. Very nive to get rid of it after several weeks. Lots of light and space again. Then we made these little birdie houses while Santiago were sleeping out his last bits of illness, he is fine now and ready for another work week. Then they destroyed the gingerbread house and ate some of its parts.

The little birdie in the house.

Also I would like to mention that I am very proud of how much fruit Greta ate today during the whole day: melon, strawberries, blueberries, plums, oranges, kiwis, and also she finished the dy with a vegetable salad. I am a happy mom!!!

I really enjoyed the family-at-home weekend, now I am ready for a work week and then the 3-weeks work trip to Korea. Yay!!!! Looking forward to it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yoghurt ice cream

I rarely use our ice-cream making machine. Because it requires so much space in the freezer. And you have to have it there for many hours before you can make ice-cream. But you know how spontaneous I am. I wake up one morning thinking: "I want ice cream".
This is what happened today. I woke up craving healthy yoghurt ice cream. Because I already have unhealthy gingerbread ice cream in the freezer. So I sat the ice cream making machine in the freezer, did the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, drove to the town to buy something for my trip to Korea, came home, ate lunch, cleaned the kitchen again, and then!!!! Then I mixed lots of youghurt with coconut milk, almond essence, and frozen cherries. Now I am enjoying a wonderful ice cream, and a bit proud of not being so spontaneous today, nut a bit patient and organized )

Have a great weekend.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Buy bye the 2012, you were great! Happy New Year everyone!
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