Saturday, July 9, 2011

A little funny project

We have a chair from Ikea that Greta uses now to climb on our bed (because now we have the double matress, it is too high). It was already painted in red when we got it, but now we decided to make it look more interesting. So we took all different colors we had.. Of course, Greta could not stand just looking how I was painting it, and had to help. So I let her paint the first step, and I took the top of the chair. Do you like it? :-)
It is drying now. But maybe I should try to make the step look better somehow after what Greta did to it :-)

Summer hugs to everybody!
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  1. )))))))))))))))))))))

  2. спасибо. докрасила ступеньку. в следующем посте

  3. ух, как здорово, акриловыми красками?)

  4. ага, Грета все норовила помочь :-)


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