A little bit of everything:
- Greta loves homemade blackcurrant and redcurrant jam
- We went to another mountain today and had a great time cross country skiing. Greta went part of the way by herself with a little pulling and pushing help.
- My baked cheese and ham buns do not last very long after they are made. Looks like my family really loves them (32 buns in 2 days!)
- Want to watch some comedies. Recommend!?
- Want to try playing monopoly on ipad. More board games you recommend?
- I started planning Greta's third birthday and started making something interesting for the guests (but this will be a secret for some more time)
- the weather is really great now, a bit windy though, and too icy and slippery to run on (right, never happy with the weather)
- I did run 5 km today anyway (plus 9 crosscountry yesterday, plus 3 crosscountry today), and the knee does not hurt. I guess I will increase gradually to avoid injuries again.
- 1 week before Greta and me are going to visit my parents, her grandparents, for a week, in Sochi
- Greta has a lot of clothes to mend, so I started today. Many of then are loaned from her friend, so it will be ood idea to return in a good shape, too.
- Greta is real fun to play hide and seek with. She hides in the closet, with her feet handing visible, and I look everywhere but there. She laughs from inside there, but she is really impatient and gets out before I find her, laughing and saying "here I am!"
- I made a wonderful pasta with spinach, cheese and corn, but she does not eat it... bu the way, she eats only cheese thes days...
- we were planning to go to Hemsedal for an alpine weekend, ut we probably pass, not good economy this year :-)
- I want to cut my hair
- Greta's hugs are incredibly tender and sweet.
- Can't believe she will get to be a three year old so soon!
- I really could not get up this morning. Maybe I need a bit more sleep. And one of my eyes is always red when I get up for the last 5 days. hmmmm.
Грета красавица. Сначала посмотрев на фото подумала, губёшки на крашены, а потом прочитала и поняла,что любит варенье, вообщем как в "Королевстве кривых зеркал" сказка, как хорошо. Ксюша, ты это по- английски сама пишешь. либо в переводчике. я то в школе нем яз проходила. уже ничего не помню, а с Машей изучаем анг, так школьную программу не много понимаю.(0,000..1%)
ReplyDeleteспасибо большое. сначала ей не нравилось, когда в варенье что-то попадается кусочками (ягодки, то есть), она ела только жидкую составляющую варенья, а теперь все подряд сметает (за неимением дома шоколада и других сладостей) :-)
ReplyDeleteда, я по английски пишу. у нас много друзей одновременно и в России, и в Испании, и в Норвегии. Хотелось всем угодить, так что пусть все мучаются и читают на английском :-) английский я с детства учила, хотя испанский знаю куда лучше. новежский уже тоже теперь на достойном уровне :-)