Monday, March 19, 2012

Milton is finished

This will be a present for Greta's birthday. One of them, anyway. I spent a lot of time knitting, and I am not completely happy with the result. Neither I am sure if I want to make more dolls like this one, I am pretty tired after this one. And the hair is a pain to make. Spent two evenings just with it. Now, this one is naked (well, in the panties), so I started making a dress for her, which is more fun than making the doll itself.

Anyway, I hope Greta likes the doll.
The doll is from Arne and Carlos knitted dolls book. Her name is Milton.
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  1. I think that Greta will love the doll. Anyway, it was made with love and by your own hands!
    I love works of Arne and Carlos. We have printed a lot of their books and they are amazing. The latest I have is "Paske" with knitted easter eggs :)

  2. Thank you. I hope she will. Arne and Carlos are cool, but I got a bit tired of the Christmas ornaments, and the doll was not a simple project, so I take some time to rest from them a bit now. Maybe next easter now :-)

  3. "Tildas Atelier" from Tone Finnanger migh also be interesting for you :) Also published by Cappelen.

  4. yes, tilda is also part of my interests :-)


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