Monday, March 7, 2011

Little bit crazy project

I have a crazy idea of making a big-big blanket for our bedroom. I could make a big squares and join them together. I just have to choose the appropriate colors, I would like to have some refreshing. I need a bigger needles (15?)
I could use double thread of Rauma Vamsegarn, and they have lots of interesting colors.


  1. How many colors do you want to use?
    I like the blue V37 :) and may be V20 will go with

  2. I thought of 4 colors. 2 greys, one yellow mustard and a dark blue one. what do you think? maybe V03, V13, V46, V58?

  3. I think 58 is too dark, at least on a picture. You should see 4 of them together "alive" :)

  4. My husband bought them for me for the 8 of march, but he bought red 56 instead of the dark blue 58. I started knitting the light-grey, because I am quite sure about the first 3 colors, and then I will decide the 4th. but, actually, the red looks interesting too. maybe I will have to go upstairs to the bedroom and see hoe it looks there

  5. I'm sure that red will go well with grey and yellow!


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