Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The summer is here

It has been a warm spring. So warm that it is hard to beleive that the summer, actually, starts tomorrow. I am looking forward to picking Norwegian strawberries, they are way better than the imported one. Meanwhile, I recharge my energy with a raspberry and babana shake with hemp and raw cacao. The apple tree is beautiful, the redcurrant and the blackcurrant are full of little berries. Ans, I am goint to the kindergarten to pick up Greta. Later tonight, if I feel good enough, I am going to participate in a 7.5 km race. Half way uphill, and so downhill. I hope I feel better.
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  1. I am looking forward to picking Scottish strawberries, but they are not ready yet. Waiting for end of June.
    And we are going to Russia in this summer! yep

  2. cool! I already bought norwegian strawberries, twice. So soon you will eat your Scottish ones, too.


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